“No part of the past is dead or indifferent.”
Frederick Douglass, 1875
In his memoir, You Can’t be Neutral on a Moving Train, Howard Zinn recalls being asked how he could speak so knowledgeably about war, colonialism, and racism yet appeared to be optimistic. The book is his answer. In the introduction, he writes:
“History is full of instances where people, against enormous odds, have come together to struggle for liberty and justice, and have won—not often enough, of course, but enough to suggest how much more is possible…”
“The essential ingredients of these struggles for justice are human beings who, if only for a moment, if only while beset with fears, step out of line and do something, however small. And even the smallest, most unheroic of acts, adds to the store of kindling that may be ignited by some surprising circumstance into tumultuous change.”
This website is an attempt to capture the stories of some of those people, from New Hampshire, who “stepped out of line” to challenge patriarchy, violence, racism, capitalism, and other forms of injustice. In some cases they met success, more often they were lighting sparks that led to change over years or decades. In many cases they took substantial risks, often suffering imprisonment, assault, even death. Some of them are well known, others may be a bit obscure. It is my hope that their stories will help kindle the movements of today and tomorrow.
If you have ideas on stories to add, please use the contact page. Likewise, if you have suggestions for additions or changes to improve any of the existing stories, please let us know.
Table of Contents
1779 Petition for Liberation from SlaveryBerlin’s Left-Wing Government
Clamshell Alliance
Cocheco “Mill Girls” Walk Off the Job in 1828
Concord’s Feminist Health Center
Cowasuck Decide to Resist
Dartmouth College Radicals
Direct Action Ends Discrimination at the Wentworth
Doris “Granny D” Haddock
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn’s Birthplace
Frederick Douglass in New Hampshire
Harriet E. Adams Wilson
Hugo Christopher DeGregory
Jonathan Daniels – Martyr for Freedom
Marilla Ricker
Nathaniel P. Rogers, Abolitionist
NH Sisters of Mercy
NH’s First Red Scare
Noyes Academy
Nuclear Weapons Protests, 1961
Ona Marie Judge Staines
Parker and Sarah Pillsbury
Quaker Missionaries Whipped Out of Dover
Sarah George Bagley
Stephen Symonds Foster
Strikes and Strife in Manchester’s Mills
The Abraham Lincoln Brigade’s NH Members
The Longest Teachers Strike in History
Willard Uphaus
Woody Guthrie in Bethlehem
World Fellowship – Haven for Radicals